Bridgeport Generation Now is a nonpartisan 501(c)3 organization. Donations are tax deductible as charitable contributions. Bridgeport Generation Now would like to thank San Bernardino Generation Now for their insight and passion that inspired our movement. For more information about their program, check them out here.

BPT Votes! Campaign
BPT Votes! is a Bridgeport voter engagement campaign, launched in May 2017, by a coalition of many partners including Bridgeport Generation Now, Greater Bridgeport Young Democrats, Make The Road CT, I Luv Bridgeport, Better Bridgeport, CTCORE-Organize Now! and more!
The work of BPT Votes! is to:
- Survey Bridgeport voters about issues that matter to them
- Inform Bridgeport voters that it is a local election year
- Educate Bridgeport voters about our local primary system.
The objective of BPT Votes! is to:
- Increase voter turnout for annual fall elections
- Build a more educated and engaged voter base
- Build accountability between elected officials and issues that matter to Bridgeport residents
Bridgeport is ready to build power from the ground up – having institutions and organizations come together to support the power of the people here to do that for themselves is key to that success!
Click here to follow BPT Votes on Facebook!
Click here to read through our BPT Votes 2018 data!