Bridgeport Generation Now is a nonpartisan 501(c)3 organization. Donations are tax deductible as charitable contributions. Bridgeport Generation Now would like to thank San Bernardino Generation Now for their insight and passion that inspired our movement. For more information about their program, check them out here.
Public Safety & Police Accountability Circle
Mission: The mission of the PSPA circle is to mobilize and work with the Greater Bridgeport community to elevate public safety needs through centering the voices of people, pursuing public safety through a public health lens, improving the quality of life in the community, and reducing the capacity of the police to cause harm.
We seek to reestablish transparency and partnership among Bridgeport’s residents and redistribute power and resources through community leadership, education, and policy change.
Core Members: Kacey Perkins and Takina Pollock Shafer, Co-Chairs alongside Cynthia Torres, Kyle Langan, and Julian Shafer
PSPA Policy & Research
2017 Police Accountability Research
2019 Public Safety & Police Accountability Research
2019 Policy Recommendations:
- Strengthen the disciplinary power and modify the structure of a Police
Commission to more closely reflect a Civilian Review Board - Research and purchase Law Enforcement Liability Insurance.
- Increase transparency in budgetary decisions in order to find ways to give
more money to Bridgeport’s schools and community programs. - Focus funding and policy on addressing and eliminating root causes of
violence such as mental health, underperforming schools, high cost
housing, homelessness, employment opportunities with livable wages,
safety for immigrant communities, among others. - Stop rewarding the poor performance of the police department.
- Raise the standard of conduct for officers, including implementing stricter
disciplinary policies for those who commit violent crimes on or off duty. - Find funding opportunities and other ways to support existing programs
like Street Safe to improve their efficacy. - Approach public safety from a public health perspective.
The 2021/2022 Budget
The 2021/2022 Budget
- A $2 million divestment from BPD by eliminating unnecessary positions
- A $2.5 million investment in our public education system, $500,000 of which funds new transportation vehicles for the BOE
- A $760,000 investment into eight new positions for a social services unit that would operate a clinically-trained mobile crisis response team. This unit would be housed under the Dept. of Emergency Management and independent from law enforcement.
- A BPD staffing study to examine whether we need all the positions the department consistently requests
“Reinvesting energy and funding from policing into education is a step in the right direction for Bridgeport,” said Takina Pollock Shafer, co-chair of PSPA. “The safest communities don’t have the most police, they have the most resources. Investing in our schools is an investment in our future. I’m excited to see what happens as we continue to reimagine what it means to address public safety in Bridgeport. Public safety is housing, health care, food access, education, and strong communities.”
This vision for public safety is possible as long as we collectively take this win and build a new foundation. Yesterday’s vote marks a new way of being in our city, where our elected representatives on City Council work with the community on the issues that residents have organized to change. At Gen Now, we know meaningful systems change is the result of a clear vision, organized people power, direct engagement, leadership development, and deep relationships. After five years, we are beginning to see the power of social movements and grassroots community organizing here in our own city.
We celebrate this vote as a win – a win on the journey towards the just, equitable, democratic, and livable city we know is possible!
PSPA Webinars
PSPA Webinars
Investing In Public Safety
During this webinar, the PSPA Circle presented their 2019 research into violence as a public health issue and evidence-based policies for addressing and reducing community violence. They also analyzed the large and growing costs of the Bridgeport Police Department, as well as the cost of officer brutality, misconduct and corruption. Finally, the PSPA Circle presented the results of their Public Safety Survey. While the sample size of the survey was not large enough to be conclusive, the majority of respondants said that “more funding for education, a mentorship program for youth, recreational programs for youth and adults, and unarmed intervention teams” were practices that would make the city safer.
To see the slides from this presentation, click here.
A Timeline of American Policing
In September of 2020, Takina Shafer and Cynthia Torres led a webinar that walked participants through a timeline of the history of policing in the United States, opening up a discussion on the origins of American policing and the urgency of Black Lives Matter in Bridgeport. Strong distinctions were drawn between policing and racial justice. During this webinar, we also broke down the historical connection and its relevance to Bridgeport, today.
To watch this webinar on YouTube, click here.
PSPA Forums
PSPA Forums
On July 12th, 2019 and November 19th, 2019 we led the two public forums to hear community voice on public safety, police accountability, restorative justice, and harm-reduction practices.
At the July forum, community members gave testimony on their experience with violence and misconduct with the Bridgeport Police Department. We have deep gratitude to all the Bridgeport residents who came and shared their stories, and the courage it took. There was a lot of emotion coming from the community, as we shared our experiences while confronting people who continue to do serious harm to us and to our neighbors.
Watch the live stream from the July forum here!
At the November forum, we reimagined public safety and shared what safety looks like to us through artwork and dialogue. We talked about how the process of community acountability and the presence of justice are pathways to safety. We defined accountability as a practice/skill that we all need to strengthen at the individual, group, and societal level.
The 2018 Police Chief Search
The 2018 Police Chief Search
- 9/10/20 Press Release on the arrests of Perez and Dunn
- 11/8/18 Open Letter to Mayor Ganim on the hiring of Perez
- 10/31/18 Statement on the need for public forums with finalists for Chief
- 10/26/18 Press Conference calling on Mayor Ganim to hold public forums with the finalists for Chief
- 10/18/18 Op-Ed published in CT Post calling for transparency in the Police Chief search
- 5/10/18 Questions for Randi Frank, consultant hired to oversee the search
- Petition For Transparency in the Police Chief search
Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter
The year to see things clearly: Racism, Abuse of Power & The Corruption of Policing
On June 12th, 2020, Gen Now released a statement in response to the murder of George Floyd.
“The murder of George Floyd is making clear to white people what Black people have known for 400 years. That Black lives have been under constant violent assault. And in the United States, it’s legal. Racism, abuse of power, and the corruption of policing is the root cause of the violence in our country. And right here at home, in Bridgeport, too.”
To read the full statement, click here
Our recommendations were:
- Reallocate money away from the police department and into education, housing, and other community needs
- Reform our Police Union contract to address unchecked power, fire abusive officers and hold others truly accountable
- Reform our Policy Handbook to have zero tolerance for excessive force and other violent behaviors
- Demilitarize our police department
- Remove police from our schools
- Establish Anti-Racism training for all of BPD
- Organize real community forums
- Reform the Citizen Complaint process
- Retire Chair Daniel Roach from the Police Commission and return the commission to a true civilian review board
Our Budget, Our Values
Our Budget, Our Values
On April 23rd, 2019, Gen Now delivered a statement to City Council during a public hearing regarding the 2019-2020 City Budget.
To read the full statement, click here
Our recommendations were:
- When the overall budget is flat, money for items that are growing can only come from shrinking other items.
- From 2014 to this 2020 proposed budget, the Police Department’s budget has grown by 17% and the City Attorney’s budget has grown by 25%
- Yet the city’s contribution to Education funding has remained flat. This means, every year our schools are forced to cut essential resources, in a district that has the highest needs and opportunity gap in our region.
- If these trends continue, in another 6 years, the public safety budget will grow another $35 to $40 million.
Let's Build A Safe City!
Let's Build A Safe City!
On Mach 8th, 2019, Gen Now released a statement in response to an internal affairs report involving 17 Bridgeport police officers.
To read the complete statement, click here
Our recommendations were:
- There is an unrelenting cultural crisis within the Bridgeport Police Department. In our September 2018 statement delivered to the Police Commission we cited no less than 10 incidents of police misconduct, violence, and corruption within the last year.
- Our community deserves a police department committed to 21st Century policing; building trust, transparency and legitimacy, meaningful civilian oversight and policies, community engagement and policing, crime reduction, anti-bias and racial sensitivity training, mental health and trauma support, and officer and civilian safety.
- Culture, leadership, values, principles, and vision all matter. We need visionary leadership, moral consciousness, and deep committed collaborations to heal our police department and our communities from the violence, corruption, racism, and trauma.
Since November of 2017, Members of Bridgeport Generation Now have attended the Police Commission meetings. The Bridgeport Police Commission meets the third Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm at 999 Broad Street.
The Police Commission is the only civilian oversight body of our Police Department. Our State Statutes and City Charter give the Police Commission strong oversight powers to discipline officers, as well as set department goals and policies. The Police Commission also reviews and makes rulings on all Citizen Complaints about Police brutality, violence, and misconduct.
To submit a Citizen Complaint, fill out this form:
Para enviar un reclamo ciudadano, complete este formulario:
To find Bridgeport Police Commission agendas/minutes, click here:
To get onto the agenda to speak to the Commission, you must submit a request by phone or email to Lt. Nancy O’Donnell by the Friday before the meeting by 10:00 a.m.
Lieutenant Nancy E. O’Donnell
Department Clerk
Bridgeport Police Department
300 Congress Street
Bridgeport, CT. 06604
Office: (203)581-5121
Fax: (203)576-7933
The seven members currently serving on the Police Commission are listed below. For more information about appointment and terms, visit the City’s website here.
Anna Cruz (R)
68 Perth Street
Bridgeport, CT 06606
Term Expires: 12/31/2009
Matthew Cuminotto Jr. (D)
320 Vincellette Street,
Bridgeport, CT 06606
Term Expires: 12/31/2015
Hector Diaz (D)
34 Arthur Street
Bridgeport, CT 06605
Term Expires: 12/31/2018
Edwin P. Farrow (D)
357 Pearl Street
Bridgeport, CT 06605
Term Expires: 12/31/2017
Thomas A. Lyons (D)
91 Jewett Avenue
Bridgeport, CT 06606
Term Expires: 12/31/2010
Daniel S. Roach (D)
19 Quinlan Avenue
Bridgeport, CT 06605
Term Expires: 12/31/2005
Valerie Quarles (U)
58 Herald Avenue
Bridgeport, CT 06606
Term Expires: 12/31/2018