2018 -2024 Awards

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Op-Ed: Governor Lamont can negotiate a bold, equitable budget

Op-Ed: Governor Lamont can negotiate a bold, equitable budget

“Governor Lamont can negotiate a bold, equitable budget” by Callie Gale Heilmann, CT Mirror, April 12, 2021

Last summer, after George Floyd’s murder sent a shock wave through our nation, people across Connecticut took to the streets to demand an end to systemic racism and inequality in our state. Residents in urban, rural, and suburban communities spoke in one unified voice demanding that in Connecticut, Black Lives Matter. This is a call for the liberation of Black folks — for the removal of structural, institutional and economic violence that has thwarted the progress of Black people and the progress of our state.

The truth is that Connecticut, as one of the wealthiest states in the wealthiest country in the world, has the resources we need to make change. Another truth is that Gov., Ned Lamont has a moral obligation in this year’s budget to seriously address the deep damage that systemic racism, classism, segregation, over-policing, and underfunding has done to Connecticut’s Black, brown, low-income, and working class communities. Fortunately, he doesn’t have to do it alone.

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Bridgeport community organizers rally against racism; public hearing held on removed Columbus statue

Bridgeport community organizers rally against racism; public hearing held on removed Columbus statue

The organizers of the “Rally Against Racism” say they were inspired by the shooting of Jacob Blake by police, as well as ongoing gun violence in the city.
Bridgeport Generation Now co-director Gemeem Davis says it’s no accident the rally fell right before a public hearing on the Christopher Columbus statue that was removed from Seaside Park in July.
On Aug. 11, the city parks board ordered City Hall to return the monument to its place within 45 days. Co-director Callie Heilmann says addressing systemic racism means shifting the balance of power, especially in a city as diverse as Bridgeport.
Organizers say while that’s a tall order, the city can start small in Seaside Park. The City Council says its public hearing Thursday night is meant to let residents make their voices heard. The final decision of what to do with the Columbus statue lies with the parks board.

Lawsuit big move for newcomers to Bridgeport civic engagement scene

Lawsuit big move for newcomers to Bridgeport civic engagement scene

“Lawsuit big move for newcomers to Bridgeport civic engagement scene” by September 29, 2019

“People with power get confused because they think that our group attacks them, when all we want to do is focus on issues,” [Heilmann] said, from the group’s shared space office inside the B:Hive building in downtown Bridgeport on Thursday. “They think that they deserve to be primary in the things that we do … and they are not. The average person of Bridgeport who wants to get involved, that’s who’s centered in our work.”

Ganim Hires D.C. Chief As Cop Consultant

Ganim Hires D.C. Chief As Cop Consultant

“Ganim Hires D.C. Chief As Cop Consultant” By Brian Lockhart, Daniel Tepfer and Tara O’Neill, The Connecticut Post, April 25, 2019

“We look forward to working with him,” said Callie Heilmann, president of the civic group Bridgeport Generation Now, which has been highly critical of Perez’s leadership and of the Bridgeport Police Department in general. “We hope that he does the work to bring together diverse groups of Bridgeport residents and youth without relying on gatekeepers in City Hall to handpick people for him.”

Bridgeport Police Misconduct Findings Resurface Community’s Deep-rooted Distrust

Bridgeport Police Misconduct Findings Resurface Community’s Deep-rooted Distrust

“Bridgeport Police Misconduct Findings Resurface Community’s Deep-rooted Distrust” by Tara O’Neill, The Connecticut Post, March 10, 2019

“We need visionary leadership, moral consciousness, and deep committed collaborations to heal our police department and our communities from the violence, corruption, racism, and trauma,” the grassroots group Bridgeport Generation Now said after the city released a 405-page Office of Internal Affairs report Wednesday.

Op-Ed: Public Forums Are By Nature Messy

Op-Ed: Public Forums Are By Nature Messy

“Public Forums Are By Nature Messy: That doesn’t mean Bridgeport Schools Shouldn’t Have Them” Op-Ed by Callie Gale Heilmann and Rev. Cass Shaw, Connecticut Mirror, February 14th

“Elected officials should never be in the habit of shutting down public space. We cannot be afraid to face our deepest problems, our greatest sufferings, together and in the public arena. Only when we examine them collectively, shine a bright light, and let all voices be heard does the path forward become clear. Public space is messy for that very reason. And it takes strong leadership to hold such an inclusive space for all people, not just the people who agree with you politically.”

Job Skills Gain As Bridgeport Tells Its Stories

Job Skills Gain As Bridgeport Tells Its Stories

“Job Skills Gain As Bridgeport Tells Its Stories” by Jordan Grice, Connecticut Post, November 13, 2018


Op-Ed: Public Deserves Transparency in Police Chief Selection

Op-Ed: Public Deserves Transparency in Police Chief Selection

Op-Ed: “Public Deserves Full Transparency in Police Chief Search” by Gemeem Davis, Chair of Bridgeport United Against Corruption. Co-signed by Kyle Langan, City Council, 132nd District; Pete Spain, City Council, 130th District; Justice For Jayson; Reverend Anthony Bennett, Congregations Organized for a New Connecticut; Council of Churches of Greater Bridgeport; ACLU of Connecticut; and Showing Up For Racial Justice Fairfield County. Connecticut Post, October 18, 2018


Status Quo Remains For Bridgeport Cop Commission

Status Quo Remains For Bridgeport Cop Commission

“Status Quo Remains For Bridgeport Cop Commission” by Brian Lockhart, Connecticut Post, July 19, 2018

Bridgeport Residents Want Anti-bias, Better Training in Police Chief Candidates

Bridgeport Residents Want Anti-bias, Better Training in Police Chief Candidates

“Bridgeport Residents Want Anti-bias, Better Training in Police Chief Candidates” by Brian Lockhart, Connecticut Post, May 11, 2018

Op-Ed: Ganim, city government choose politics over Bridgeport children

Op-Ed: Ganim, city government choose politics over Bridgeport children

“Ganim, city government choose politics over Bridgeport children” Op-ed by Niels Heilmann, CT Mirror, October 13, 2017

A Crowded Field For Bridgeport Primaries

A Crowded Field For Bridgeport Primaries

“A Crowded Field for Bridgeport Primaries” by Brian Lockhart, Connecticut Post, September 9, 2017

Generation Now Is Up and Coming Your Way!

Generation Now Is Up and Coming Your Way!

“Generation Now is Up and Coming Your Way!” by Cedar Attanasio, Connecticut Post, Thursday, July 20, 2017.

A Conversation About History, Politics, And Culture In Connecticut's Park City

A Conversation About History, Politics, And Culture In Connecticut's Park City

On this hour of “Where We Live,” listen back to a panel discussion at B:Hive Bridgeport, a co-working space in the Park City’s downtown, with Bridgeport residents and lawmakers for a taste of the city’s history, politics, culture… and even some locally-made gin!

Originally aired on WNPR on April 7, 2017. Listen to the full episode here: http://www.wnpr.org/post/conversation-about-history-politics-and-culture-connecticuts-park-city